New Rochelle Campus Student Clubs & Activities
Get Involved
At Monroe, we want you to have an AMAZING college experience. Our student clubs can help you get the most out of your years on campus. Join one to pursue your passion or try something new! Chances are you’ll meet some incredible people who share your interests.
Professional & Career Clubs
Allied Health Club
You'll design, implement, and evaluate health education/health promotion programs, working to reduce health disparities and improve the quality of life for Monroe students and community residents.
Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA)
Students from all cultural backgrounds receive help with professional development and access to a nationwide network of professional members and corporate partners while connecting with other students.
Culinary Arts Club
Share your culinary talents at community events for the greater good and deepen your experience in dining and hospitality.
Club for Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO)
Dive into the business world through networking events, career awareness fairs, community events, and company conferences, and see how to promote unity and social responsibility in business. CEO has a unique mission of ensuring that ALL students have a chance to pursue their entrepreneurial goals.
Criminal Justice Club
Get an inside look at various criminal justice organizations through guest speakers, field experiences, and community involvement. Delve into criminal justice issues, be mentored by experts, and learn about career opportunities.
Information Technology Student Association (ITSA) Club
Students participate in networking opportunities like computer shows and other tech events, lead workshops for non-technology students, and volunteer their services to local businesses.
The HR Club
Make connections and get real-world training in human resource management and best practices through forums, group outings, lectures, and other informational outlets.
Hospitality Club
Be in the loop on developments and trends in the hospitality and tourism industries.
Media & Entertainment Club
Prep for success in the corporate world by enhancing your knowledge of business, marketing, economics, accounting, and human resources.
Monroe University Investment Club (MCIC)
Learn the ins and outs of investing and how to implement smart strategies as you pursue their career goals in the world of finance.
National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. (NABA)
Get involved with leaders shaping the future of the accounting and finance professions and helping minorities make their impact in these fields.
National Society of Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH)
NSMH provides its members with a competitive advantage through programs and conferences, networking opportunities, scholarships, and career development services. NSMH is comprised of over 80 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Law Society
Thinking about law school next? Expand upon your legal courses with field experience in criminal justice and the law as you develop study skills and prepare for rigor of law school.
Community Service Clubs
ABC Education Club
Design projects that foster educational access for children in the local community and abroad as you develop a strong peer network with fellow Monroe students.
Amnesty International
Are you passionate about global human rights and the dignity of all? Collaborate on initiatives to make our community grow and this world a better place.
Human Services Club
Work on projects that strengthen ties between the Monroe community and NYC human services organizations. You’ll create pathways for meaningful projects and career opportunities for all our students.
Creative Clubs
Otaku Gaming Anime (MOGA)
Master application design, 3D animation, coding, and Adobe software. Beyond creative, these are skills that can set you apart in many industries.
Monroe Scribes
Is there a Maya Angelou or Toni Morrison within you, yearning to write that great novel? Perhaps you’re a composer of songs, like Prince or Jay Z. Maybe you are the next spoken word poet inspired by Amanda Gorman. Come and discover the writer's gift within you.
Poetry & Drama Club
Explore theater and other performing arts through conversation, script reading, and production with workshops and seminars, including how to publish.
Self-Development Clubs
Caribbean Student Association
Raise awareness on campus and beyond about the cultural diversity of the Caribbean community at Monroe. Make campus connections and expand your knowledge of all Caribbean cultures.
Career Ambassadors Club
Focus on making yourself career-ready by taking advantage of professional development opportunities, career readiness workshops, networking with employers, motivational speakers, and much more.
Civics & Debate Team
Develop your public speaking skills and ability to think critically and creatively in a fun way. Analyze past and current issues and dissect the meaning behind well-known court decisions.
Monroe DIVAS — Dynamic, Inspiring, Vivacious, Ambitious Sisters
Hone the skills that will help you excel as a woman in today’s business world, including interviewing and salary negotiation. Explore workplace issues and avenues for self-development.
Man To Man Discussion Group
This club's mission is to increase the abilities of minority male students — intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually — while encouraging their pursuit of educational excellence.
Rainbow Perspective
A student-led club that brings together LGBTQ+ and allied individuals to create a safe, welcoming, and accepting community for all students regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The club aims to raise awareness on issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community, serve as a vehicle for social change, and promote equity and inclusion for all students.
Toastmasters International
Do you want to practice public speaking, improve your communication skills, and build leadership traits? With Toastmasters, you can break barriers, not your budget. On the 2nd & 4th, Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm meet us to practice, learn, grow, mentor, and share.
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